Interpolation Plugins

Interpolation Plugins

Interpolation is a way to construct new data points within a data set. All Kst interpolation plugins take two vectors x and y, and a desired values x', then find the interpolation functions which fit x and y, and evaluate functions to get the corresponding y' value (interpolated y) for each x' value.

Interpolation Akima spline

The Interpolation Akima spline plugin generates a non-rounded Akima spline interpolation for the supplied data set, using natural boundary conditions.


X Array (vector)

The array of x values of the data points to generate the interpolation for.

Y Array (vector)

The array of y values of the data points to generate the interpolation for.

X' Array (vector)

The array of x values for which interpolated y values are desired.


Y Interpolated (vector)

The interpolated y values.

Interpolation Akima spline periodic

The interpolation akima periodic plugin generates a non-rounded Akima spline interpolation for the supplied data set, using periodic boundary conditions. The input and output options are the same as those for Interpolation Akima spline.

Interpolation cubic spline

The Interpolation cubic spline plugin generates a cubic spline interpolation for the supplied data set, using natural boundary conditions. The input and output options are the same as those for Interpolation Akima spline.

Interpolation cubic spline periodic

The Interpolation cubic spline periodic plugin generates a cubic spline interpolation for the supplied data set, using periodic boundary conditions. The input and output options are the same as those for Interpolation Akima spline.

Interpolation linear

The Interpolation linear plugin generates a linear interpolation for the supplied data set. The input and output options are the same as those for Interpolation Akima spline.

Interpolation polynomial

The Interpolation polynomial plugin generates a polynomial interpolation for the supplied data set. The number of terms in the polynomial used is equal to the number of points in the supplied data set. The input and output options are the same as those for Interpolation Akima spline.


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