Class: Line

Class: Line

A customizable line graphic.

Inherits: ViewObject

Collection class: ViewObjectCollection



Line ( ViewObject parent )

  • ViewObject parent - The parent to place the new line in. May also be a string containing the name of an existing ViewObject.

Creates a new line and places it in the ViewObject parent.

Line ( Window window )

  • Window window - The window to place the new line in. May also be a string containing the name of an existing Window.

Creates a new line and places it in the Window window.

Point from

The starting point of the line.

The ending point of the line.

number width

The width of the line.

number capStyle

The cap style for the line.

  • 0 - Flat - may not cover the line ends (default)

  • 1 - Box - may extend past line ends

  • 2 - Rounded

number lineStyle

The style for the line.

  • 0 - Solid line(default)

  • 1 - Dashed line

  • 2 - Dotted line

  • 3 - Dash - dot line

  • 4 - Dash - dot - dot line


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