Class: ViewObject

Class: ViewObject

Represents any object in a Kst window. This is an abstract object and may not be instantiated directly.

Inherits: Object

Collection class: ViewObjectCollection



ViewObject resize ( Size size )

  • Size size - The new size for the object.

Resizes the object to the given size, if possible.

ViewObject move ( Point pos )

  • Point pos - The position to move the object to.

Moves the object to a new position, if possible.

ViewObject findChild ( Point pos )

  • Point pos - The relative position to search.

Finds the topmost child of this view object at the given point. Returns null if there is no child there.

ViewObject convertTo ( string type )

  • string type - The type to attempt to convert this object to.

Attempts to convert this ViewObject to a different type. The object must be derived from this type at some level. Null is returned if it is not possible to convert to the requested type.

void raiseToTop ( )

Raises the object to the top of the z-order.

void lowerToBottom ( )

Lowers the object to the bottom of the z-order.

void raise ( )

Raises the object one place in the z-order.

void lower ( )

Lowers the object one place in the z-order.

void remove ( )

Deletes the object.

Point position

The location of the object relative to its parent.

Size size

The size of the object in pixels.

boolean transparent

True if this object is transparent. Not all objects support transparency.

boolean onGrid

True if the children of this object are on a grid.

number columns

The number of columns the children are organized into. If this value is modified, onGrid is set to true.

string color

The foreground color for this object.

string backgroundColor

The background color for this object.

boolean maximized

If true, this object is maximized relative to its parent. This is a temporary state whereby the plot uses all the space available in the parent but can be restored to normal size again.

Size minimumSize [Read-Only]

The minimum size of the view object.

string type [Read-Only]

A string containing the type of this view object.

ViewObjectCollection children [Read-Only]

The list of all children of this view object in z-order from the furthest back to the closest to the top. This is a reference to a collection which may be modified, but cannot be set.


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