Class: Box

Class: Box

A customizable box graphic.

Inherits: ViewObject

Collection class: ViewObjectCollection



Box ( ViewObject parent )

  • ViewObject parent - The parent to place the new box in. May also be a string containing the name of an existing ViewObject.

Creates a new box and places it in the ViewObject parent.

Box ( Window window )

  • Window window - The window to place the new box in. May also be a string containing the name of an existing Window.

Creates a new box and places it in the Window window.

number xRound

The roundness of the corners in the X dimension. Must be an integer between 0 and 99.

number yRound

The roundness of the corners in the Y dimension. Must be an integer between 0 and 99.

number borderWidth

The width in pixels of the border.

string borderColor

The border color for this object.


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