Class: Debug

Class: Debug

A reference to the debug and logging subsystem of Kst.



void warning ( string message )

  • string message -

Logs a warning message to the Kst log.

void error ( string message )

  • string message -

Logs an error message to the Kst log.

void notice ( string message )

  • string message -

Logs a notice to the Kst log.

void debug ( string message )

  • string message -

Logs a debug message to the Kst log.

void clear ( )

Clears the Kst log.

void clearNewError ( )

Clears the new error flag.

DebugLog log [Read-Only]

Provides access to the Kst log contents.

boolean newError [Read-Only]

Return the value of the new error flag.

string version [Read-Only]

Return the version of Kst.

string revision [Read-Only]

Return the revision of Kst.


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