Class: DataVector

Class: DataVector

A vector object loaded from a data source.

Inherits: Vector


  • DataVector ( source, field [, start [, n [, skip [, ave]]]] )

  • DataVector ( source, field, typeStart, start, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )



DataVector ( DataSource source, string field [, number start [, number n [, number skip [, boolean ave]]]] )

  • DataSource source - The DataSource to load data from. This may be a string containing the url of the DataSource to load. If so, it will attempt to reuse an existing DataSource instance, or fall back to a new DataSource object. It may also be specified as a DataSource object.

  • string field - The field to load from the source.

  • number start - The frame to start reading from. [OPTIONAL]

  • number n - The number of frames to read. [OPTIONAL]

  • number skip - The number of samples to skip by. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean ave - Set to true to do boxcar filtering. [OPTIONAL]

DataVector ( DataSource source, string field, string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )

  • DataSource source - The DataSource to load data from. This may be a string containing the url of the DataSource to load. If so, it will attempt to reuse an existing DataSource instance, or fall back to a new DataSource object. It may also be specified as a DataSource object.

  • string field - The field to load from the source.

  • string typeStart - The type of the value specifying the start position. The permissible values are as follows:

    • frames

    • date

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    • days

    • weeks

    • months

    • years

    The date entry uses the format (e.g. 2009:2:13:13:10.12). If any of the leading elements are omitted then the current year, month, day, etc. are assumed. If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.

  • number start - The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.

  • string typeCount - The type of the value specifying the count

  • number count - The number of frames or time duration to read. The permissible values are as follows:

    • frames

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    • days

    • weeks

    • months

    • years

  • number skip - The number of samples to skip by. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean ave - Set to true to do boxcar filtering. [OPTIONAL]

void reload ( )

void changeFile ( DataSource source )

Switches this DataVector to a different DataSource.

void changeFrames ( number start, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )

  • number start - The starting frame.

  • number count - The number of frames to read.

  • number skip - The number of frames to skip by. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean ave - True to boxcar filter. [OPTIONAL]

Changes the sequence of data that is read in by this vector.

void changeFramesByTime ( string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )

  • string typeStart - The type of the value specifying the start position. The permissible values are as follows:

    • frames

    • date

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    • days

    • weeks

    • months

    • years

    The date entry uses the format (e.g. 2009:2:13:13:10.12). If any of the leading elements are omitted then the current year, month, day, etc. are assumed. If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.

  • number start - The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.

  • string typeCount - The type of the value specifying the count

  • number count - The number of frames or time duration to read. The permissible values are as follows:

    • frames

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    • days

    • weeks

    • months

    • years

  • number skip - The number of frames to skip by. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean ave - True to boxcar filter. [OPTIONAL]

Changes the sequence of data that is read in by this vector.

boolean valid [Read-Only]

True if the data vector is valid.

boolean skip [Read-Only]

True if the vector should skip by skipLength samples while reading from the data source.

boolean boxcar [Read-Only]

True if the vector should be boxcar filtered.

boolean readToEnd [Read-Only]

If true, the vector is read to the end of the source.

boolean countFromEnd [Read-Only]

If true, the vector reads only a maximum number of samples from the end of the source.

number skipLength [Read-Only]

The number of samples to skip by.

number startFrame [Read-Only]

The starting frame number.

number startFrameRequested [Read-Only]

The requested starting frame number. May not be the actual startFrame.

number frames [Read-Only]

The number of frames read from the source.

number framesRequested [Read-Only]

The number of frames requested to be read from the source. May not be the actual frames.

number samplesPerFrame [Read-Only]

The number of samples per frame for the associated data source.

string field [Read-Only]

The field being read from the data source to create this vector.

DataSource dataSource [Read-Only]

The data source object used by this DataVector.


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