Class: PowerSpectrum

Class: PowerSpectrum

This class represents a power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst.

Inherits: DataObject

Collection class: PowerSpectrumCollection


  • PowerSpectrum ( vector, freq [, average [, len [, apodize [, removeMean]]]] )


PowerSpectrum ( Vector vector, number freq [, boolean average [, number len [, boolean apodize [, boolean removeMean]]]] )

  • Vector vector - The vector to use as input to the power spectrum.

  • number freq - The frequency for the power spectrum.

  • boolean average - [OPTIONAL]

  • number len - The base 2 logarithm of the length of the power spectrum. Should be an integer >= 4. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean apodize - If true, sharp discontinuities are removed. [OPTIONAL]

  • boolean removeMean - True if the mean should be removed before performing the transform. [OPTIONAL]

Creates a new power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst. Units are V and Hz by default.

Vector vector

The input vector for the power spectrum.

number length

Contains the base 2 logarithm of the length to be used for interleaved averaging. Should be an integer >= 4.

number output

the normalization for the transform:

  • 0 - amplitude spectral density

  • 1 - power spectral density

  • 2 - amplitude spectrum

  • 3 - power spectrum

boolean removeMean

True if the mean should be removed before performing the transform.

boolean average

True if the power spectrum should be calculated using an interleaved average.

boolean apodize

If true, sharp discontinuities are removed.

number apodizeFn

The apodization function to be used in the case that apodize is true:

  • 0 - default

  • 1 - bartlett

  • 2 - blackman

  • 3 - connes

  • 4 - cosine

  • 5 - gaussian

  • 6 - hamming

  • 7 - hann

  • 8 - welch

  • 9 - uniform

number frequency

Contains the sampling rate of the power spectrum.

Vector xVector [Read-Only]

The X-axis vector for the power spectrum.

Vector yVector [Read-Only]

The Y-axi vector for the power spectrum.

string vUnits

A string containing the units for the vector.

string rUnits

A string containing the units for the rate.

boolean interpolateHoles

True if the transform should automatically interpolate over missing data values.


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