This class represents a power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst.
Inherits: DataObject
Collection class: PowerSpectrumCollection
PowerSpectrum ( vector, freq [, average [, len [, apodize [, removeMean]]]] )
Vector vector - The vector to use as input to the power spectrum.
number freq - The frequency for the power spectrum.
boolean average - [OPTIONAL]
number len - The base 2 logarithm of the length of the power spectrum. Should be an integer >= 4. [OPTIONAL]
boolean apodize - If true, sharp discontinuities are removed. [OPTIONAL]
boolean removeMean - True if the mean should be removed before performing the transform. [OPTIONAL]
The input vector for the power spectrum.
Contains the base 2 logarithm of the length to be used for interleaved averaging. Should be an integer >= 4.
the normalization for the transform:
0 - amplitude spectral density
1 - power spectral density
2 - amplitude spectrum
3 - power spectrum
The apodization function to be used in the case that apodize is true:
0 - default
1 - bartlett
2 - blackman
3 - connes
4 - cosine
5 - gaussian
6 - hamming
7 - hann
8 - welch
9 - uniform
The X-axis vector for the power spectrum.
The Y-axi vector for the power spectrum.
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