Class: Plot

Class: Plot

This class represents a plot in Kst.

Inherits: BorderedViewObject

Collection class: PlotCollection




Plot ( Window window )

  • Window window - The window to place the new plot in. May also be a string containing the name of an existing Window.

Creates a new plot and places it in the Window window.

Legend createLegend ( )

Creates a Legend for this plot. If a legend already exists then that one is returned.

CurveCollection curves [Read-Only]

A list of all the Curves used by the plot.

Legend legend [Read-Only]

The Legend for this plot. May be null.

string topLabel

The top label for this plot.

Axis xAxis [Read-Only]

The X-axis for this plot.

Axis yAxis [Read-Only]

The Y-axis for this plot.

PlotLabel title [Read-Only]

The title for this plot.

boolean tied

True if the plot zoom state is tied.


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