Class: Image

Class: Image

An image object created from a matrix.

Inherits: DataObject




Image ( Matrix matrix )

  • Matrix matrix - The matrix for the image. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing matrix, or as a matrix object.

Main constructor for Image class. Constructing a new image automatically adds it to the data collection of Kst.

void minMaxThreshold ( )

Set the thresholding to the current minimum and maximum of the associated matrix.

void smartThreshold ( )

Set the thresholding to automatically calculated smart values based on the current values of the the associated matrix.

Matrix matrix

The matrix associated with the image.

number map

The map type of the image.

  • 0 - Color map

  • 1 - Contour map

  • 2 - Color map and contour map

string palette

The name of the palette associated with the image color map.

number lowerThreshold

The lower threshold associated with the map.

number upperThreshold

The upper threshold associated with the map.

boolean autoThreshold

If true, automatic thresholding is enabled.

number numContours

The number of contour levels if the contour map is enabled.

number contourWeight

The weight of the lines used to draw the contour map, if the contour map is enabled. A value of -1 can be used for a variable contour weight.

string color

The color of the contours. Stored in the form "#RRGGBB" as hex values. This property can also be set with English strings such as "blue".


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