Class: Curve

Class: Curve

Represents a curve formed from an X and a Y vector.

Inherits: DataObject

Collection class: CurveCollection


  • Curve ( x, y [, xError [, yError [, xMinusError [, yMinusError]]]] )

  • Curve ( hs )



Curve ( Vector x, Vector y [, Vector xError [, Vector yError [, Vector xMinusError [, Vector yMinusError]]]] )

  • Vector x - The X vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object.

  • Vector y - The Y vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object.

  • Vector xError - The X error bar vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object. [OPTIONAL]

  • Vector yError - The Y error bar vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object. [OPTIONAL]

  • Vector xMinusError - The X minus error bar vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object. [OPTIONAL]

  • Vector yMinusError - The Y minus error bar vector for the curve. Can be specified as a string containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a vector object. [OPTIONAL]

Main constructor for Curve class. Constructing a new curve automatically adds it to the data collection of Kst.

Curve ( Histogram hs )

  • Histogram hs - Creates a curve from a histogram.

Constructor for Curve class. Allows a curve to be simply created from a Histogram class.

Point point ( number index )

  • number index - The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates for. Starts at 0.

Retrieve the coordinates for a given point in the curve. Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.

number xErrorPoint ( number index )

  • number index - The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates for. Starts at 0.

Retrieve the value for a given point in the X error bars. Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.

number yErrorPoint ( number index )

  • number index - The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates for. Starts at 0.

Retrieve the value for a given point in the Y error bars. Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.

number xMinusErrorPoint ( number index )

  • number index - The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates for. Starts at 0.

Retrieve the value for a given point in the X minus error bars. Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.

number yMinusErrorPoint ( number index )

  • number index - The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates for. Starts at 0.

Retrieve the value for a given point in the Y minus error bars. Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.

string color

The color of the curve. Stored in the form "#RRGGBB" as hex values. This property can also be set with English strings such as "blue".

Vector xVector

The X axis vector for the curve.

Vector yVector

The Y axis vector for the curve.

Vector xErrorVector

The X axis error vector for the curve.

Vector yErrorVector

The Y axis error vector for the curve.

Vector xMinusErrorVector

The X axis negative error vector for the curve.

Vector xMinusErrorVector

The X axis negative error vector for the curve.

Scalar yVectorOffset

The offset to be applied to the y-axis vector.

number samplesPerFrame [Read-Only]

The number of samples per frame for the curve.

boolean ignoreAutoScale

If true, this curve ignores auto scale.

boolean hasPoints

If true, points are plotted for this curve.

boolean hasLines

If true, lines are drawn for this curve.

boolean hasBars

If true, bars are drawn for this curve.

number lineWidth

Sets the line width for this curve when lines are drawn.

number pointStyle

Sets the point style for this curve when points are drawn.

  • 0 - Cross

  • 1 - Hollow box

  • 2 - Hollow circle

  • 3 - Filled circle

  • 4 - Inverted hollow triangle

  • 5 - Hollow triangle

  • 6 - Filled box

  • 7 - Plus

  • 8 - Asterisk

  • 9 - Inverted filled triangle

  • 10 - Filled triangle

  • 11 - Hollow diamond

  • 12 - Filled diamond

  • 13 - Point

number lineStyle

Sets the line style for this curve when lines are drawn.

  • 0 - Solid

  • 1 - Dash

  • 2 - Dot

  • 3 - Dash Dot

  • 4 - Dash Dot Dot

number barStyle

Sets the bar style for this curve when bars are drawn.

  • 0 - Lines

  • 1 - Solid

number pointDensity

Sets the point density for this curve when points are plotted.

  • 0 - Draw all points

  • 1 - High density

  • 2 - Medium density

  • 3 - Low density

string topLabel [Read-Only]

The top label suggestion for this curve.

string xLabel [Read-Only]

The X-axis label suggestion for this curve.

string yLabel [Read-Only]

The Y-axis label suggestion for this curve.

string legendText

The legend text associated with a curve.


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