Class: Kst

Class: Kst

The global Kst object. Accessed as Kst, this cannot be reinstantiated.



boolean loadScript ( string fileName )

  • string fileName - The file to load the script from.

Loads a script file from disk and runs it.

void resetInterpreter ( )

Resets the KstScript interpreter. All variables will be lost.

void waitForUpdate ( )

Waits for the next update loop to complete.

void purge ( )

Purges unused objects in Kst. The has the same behavior as the purge button in the data manager.

void advance ( )

Advance one screen.

void back ( )

Back one screen.

void writeHistory ( string filename )

  • string filename - The name of the file to save the command history to.

Saves the command history to a file.

void clearHistory ( )

Clears the command history.

void addToOutput ( string output )

  • string output - String to add to the output.

Adds to the output generated from a function call.

void autoWriteHistory ( string filename [, boolean append] )

  • string filename - The name of the file to save commands to automatically. Entering a blank filename will stop the saving of commands.

  • boolean append - If true and the file already exists then commands will be appended to the existing file. [OPTIONAL]

Saves commands automatically to a file.

void forceRepaint ( )

Forces a repaint regardless of the value of repaintEnabled.

DataSourceCollection dataSources [Read-Only]

The list of all loaded data sources.

ScalarCollection scalars [Read-Only]

The list of all scalars in Kst.

StringCollection strings [Read-Only]

The list of all strings in Kst.

VectorCollection vectors [Read-Only]

The list of all vectors in Kst.

MatrixCollection matrices [Read-Only]

The list of all matrices in Kst.

WindowCollection windows [Read-Only]

The list of all Kst windows in this process.

DataObjectCollection objects [Read-Only]

The list of all data objects in Kst.

ColorSequence colors [Read-Only]

A reference to the Kst color sequence in its current state.

ExtensionCollection extensions [Read-Only]

The list of all extensions Kst can find installed on the system.

Document document [Read-Only]

An object that provides access to the current Kst document along with various utility functions.

PluginManager pluginManager [Read-Only]

A reference to the plugin management subsystem of Kst.

QWidget gui [Read-Only]

A reference to the Kst GUI. This is implemented using KJSEmbed. The GUI is dynamic and may change between releases or even while Kst is running.

boolean repaintEnabled

Determines whether or not manipulation of the Kst interface through scripting will trigger a repaint. Setting this to false before issuing a long series of commands (that each triggers a repaint), and then setting it back to true can greatly enhance the response time of Kst.


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