Class: Histogram

Class: Histogram

A class representing a histogram object in Kst.

Inherits: DataObject

Collection class: HistogramCollection


  • Histogram ( vector [, xMin [, xMax [, bins]]] )



Histogram ( Vector vector [, number xMin [, number xMax [, number bins]]] )

  • Vector vector - The input vector for the histogram. May also be specified by the tagName for an existing vector.

  • number xMin - The minimum X value. Default is -10. [OPTIONAL]

  • number xMax - The maximum X value. Default is 10. [OPTIONAL]

  • number bins - The number of bins to use. Default is 60. [OPTIONAL]

Creates a new histogram with the defined properties.

void setVector ( Vector vector )

  • Vector vector - The vector for the histogram to operate on.

Sets the input vector for the histogram.

void setRange ( number from, number to )

  • number from - The starting X value.

  • number to - The ending X value.

Sets the X range for the histogram.

boolean realTimeAutoBin

If true, the histogram automatically bins in real-time.

number normalization

Set the y-axis normalization.

  • 0 - Number in bin

  • 1 - Percent in bin

  • 2 - Fraction in bin

  • 3 - Peak bin = 1.0

number bins

The number of bins for the histogram.

number xMin [Read-Only]

The minimum X value for the histogram.

number xMax [Read-Only]

The maximum X value for the histogram.

Vector xVector [Read-Only]

The X-axis vector generated by the histogram.

Vector yVector [Read-Only]

The Y-axis vector generated by the histogram.


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